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Prep Room

Cavity Fluid - Premium Cavity


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Premium Cavity - Cavity Fluid

*Discounted shipping cost on fluid orders 8 cases and larger*

Price is per case.  24 bottles per case.

This fluid contains the chemical ethylene dichloride which has recently been deemed unsafe for use in septic systems. If your prep room is attached to a septic system you should use CAVITY 55 in place of Premium Cavity.

Premium Cavity brings together the action of five potent preservatives and disinfectants resulting in an outstanding fluid. Among its features are excellent penetration, effective preservatives, broad spectrum disinfection, low formaldehyde odor, and the presence of Stop to halt tissue gas. Premium Cavity is formulated to penetrate quickly and deeply into tissue, carrying the preservatives and disinfectants to the areas of need. Few cavity fluids penetrate as well and as effectively and can be trusted to reach difficult areas. Most cavity fluids rely on one special chemical to carry the preservatives into the tissue. Premium Cavity contains two to give the embalmer extra assurance. For broad spectrum disinfection and potential sterilization, glutaraldehyde has been included in the Premium Cavity formulation. Premium Cavity also contains Stop, which along with the gluteraldehyde will effectively eliminate tissue gas. While Premium Cavity contains formaldehdye, necessary to assure good preservation, the formaldehyde is present at a relatively low level and does not create an odor problem.

It's a low fuming but high penetrating fluid that dries and browns the tissue almost instantly.

For normal bodies of average weight, use 2 pints of Premium Cavity. For larger bodies or those with extensive decomposition, use 3 or more pints of fluid. For tissue gas cases, apply or inject the concentrated fluid directly on or into the affected area. Reaspiration and the use of additional Premium Cavity is recommended for most cases
Champion: GX
Dodge: Mylofix
Pierce: Pentron